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Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 Reviews for the product - Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 (Back to product)
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Umsteiger report of Saeco Aroma o. Ä

alphaLX (Brauschweig) - 07th July 2015

After 3 years with a Saeco Aroma eventually came the determination to reach the next level of the espresso culture. A Gaggia Classic was still with in the pre-selection, but ultimately, I then decided to go for the bigger step -. During the review I will explain my motives --- Why you should think about a Rancillo Silvia --- This can be combined with some effort to put a coffee, which does not have to hide from the in your favorite Italian restaurant A Rancillo Silvia prepares a real (real) Crema, by the release of the oils contained in coffee at high pressure is created. In Crema-screen carriers as the Saeco Aroma merely creates a fake Crema, which has nothing to do. The steam wand conjures ordinary, solid milk foam for latte macchiato, cappuccino and Co. Rancillo sets here at catering equipment proven quality in the kitchen format Unlike the Gaggia is here used a copper kettle, which is more durable and more (supposedly) healthy than aluminum boiler --- What you should know before --- A Rancillo Silvia is demanding. But it provides at entsprechdem use of the expected results. The purchase of a espresso grinder (not coffee grinder) is mandatory. Did not work without. Personally I use a Graef CM88, but there are other models are eligible, as long as they provide a fine degree of grinding. Another important criterion is the espresso itself. Whether Arabica pure, or Arabica / Robusta is first a matter of taste. Much more important The espresso must be as freshly roasted. This separates 98% of the Espresso offer available in the supermarket , since although the espresso is still preserved, but some time is. Info: Legal MHD are usually 2 years, if the 1.5 is still away from the supermarket, then the So before been roasted 6 months. I recommend for Silvia Espresso to use, which is possible not earlier than 4-6 weeks. Something like you get in many smaller roasters (also online) at reasonable prices. The is then often so fresh that he at the sold date on which it was roasted. (For details please comment function) Last but not least we need a tamper. Aluminum or stainless steel is recommended so that you get the right print out. Up to the first (almost perfect) can relate Espresso from Silvia, will surely pass some time. The matching degree of beating, the right pressure, the right amount of espresso - all must be coordinated. If you've found his favorite places espresso, then it all goes but relatively fixed. Experience makes clear here perfect. A Sivlia requires at least 20 minutes forward until it is at operating temperature. That you should plan. --- CONCLUSION --- Who is willing to devote a little more passion to the topic and not shrink from the purchase of a mill and a tamper, but especially fresh coffee beans, which is much to the Silvia have fun and get hold of friends and family members who were previously accustomed only fully automatic machines, awesome compliments. I have the acquisition (except for the day 1 at which the first 20 espressos have landed in the sink) regretted a moment. I love it joy, preheat the cups to grind the coffee and to enjoy proper Italian espresso. Thank you for your attention. If you liked my review, I am pleased with a similar assessment. For further information please use the comment function calmly, if I can help, I will try the like.

Worth every Euro

Hurz - 07th July 2015

The Rancilio "Miss Silvia" is after Lelit PL41EM the cheapest "real espresso machine", which has a copper boiler and a Messingbrühgruppe. Opposite the mentioned Lelit it has the advantage of freely pivotable and practical lance (the one for generating milk froth required) and a screen diameter of 58 mm, for which there are screens for every taste. Included with the Silvia is a digit and a two-wire; a blind filter is not needed because there is included a small silicone mat inserted enables the backwashing in the Zweiersieb what amazingly works perfectly in practice, although it does not look as if it would work. The Silvia is considered robust machine, resulting from the experience of the many users who have this machine that is built with small modifications since 1989, bought, as well as from the fact that many of its components are also used in professional machines that were designed for use in cafés, installed , In other words, Miss Silvia is an investment for eternity. Is Miss Silvia worth twice the extra cost compared to a Gaggia Classic or more than double the extra cost compared to a Saeco Aroma? Undoubtedly yes. Because there are in the aforementioned machine kettle and brewing units made ​​of aluminum, on the one hand has a lower heat stability, on the other hand is suspected (with) to cause Alzheimer, but also responds to some descaler with blooming and of course not the pleasant feel and temperature stability Miss Silvia offers. In addition, the mentioned low-cost alternatives to Miss Silvia are now delivered exclusively with "Aroma-screen carriers". Where an outlet for the pressure required to brew the espresso powder and a labyrinth provides below the valve for swirling air into the espresso, making a foam is produced, pretending regardless of the quality of the ground material and the contact pressure at Tampern a Crema, but merely consists of air bubbles. Simultaneously, the aroma Espresso Machines are constructed so complex that they can be even with regular use of coffee degreasers not really clean. The Google Image Search promotes as revealed unappetizing. The Aroma Espresso Machines of the competing products are and will remain on closer inspection an unsavory affair, even if due to the regular rinsing with hot espresso can not really speak of unhygienic matter, because more than 60 ° C, the filter holder should be at least pasteurized. But there is always the taste of rancid coffee fat and the lack of a backflush of the brewing unit, which can be cleaned only by elaborate, complete disassembly. These problems of cost machine there at Miss Silvia NOT. The only criticism of Miss Silvia is the very small drain pan, which is indeed made ​​of stainless steel, but with the moisture can accumulate, leading to rust if you do not worry every night by removing the pan and wipe out for dryness. Despite repeated revision, it has the manufacturer until now not managed to relocate the drain hose so that it leads directly into the drain pan. The shop where I bought my copy has already extended the hose voluntarily in knowledge of this defect. This may not be the case with every Coffeeitalia retailer, however, should not deter a potential interested parties with a minimum level of technical skill or cleanliness of the purchase. The delivered by Miss Silvia Plastiktamper allows first steps in the preparation of an espresso, which with a little technical understanding , skill and luck also succeed, but because the Tamperdurchmesser is slightly smaller than the screen, you should replace it (even for aesthetic reasons) quickly against a right Tamper. However, a prerequisite for a good espresso is a mill that may grind finer than industrially pre-ground espresso supermarket, because that one can not even at festestem Tampern on the required cycle time of 25 seconds. However, this may not Miss Silvia; It should be mentioned only for completeness.

Gigs Original

MrT "MrT" - 07th July 2015

Little Miss Silvia is now for 5 years in my possession.
In addition to the Rancilio Silvia my collection included also another Gaggia Classic Coffee and a Vibiemme Domobar. These other two machines I have but sold again over the years, the Rancilio Silvia but use I still so happy as the day. Let's talk about the positive aspects: -Moderate warm-up time of about 20 minutes. -type solenoid - in less mess portafilter after the reference. -Homogenes Brühergebnis (eg still can be controlled using a PID of a degree) -Robust processing. The design is certainly not for everyone, but it suits me well, it is timeless and simple. Descaling is also relaively simplistic to Just enter the required amount of citric acid in the water tank and rinse properly with this water. Then again be run with plain water until the water is no longer sour tastes and the water color is clear again. (Is not citric acid cycle, which is water bluish). Thanks to the copper boiler, the cleaning with citric acid is not a problem. Some machines have an aluminum boiler, which must not be cleaned with citric acid, here is recommended eg Tartaric acid. This, however, is a lot harder to come by and average more expensive than the . citric Outside the warranty period repair work no problem, the machine had ever completely disassembled and reassembled - runs like the first day. milk froth: You get with the lance a very fine milk froth out Latte Art is no problem with this. Similarly enough , the boiler size also to foam larger amounts of milk. But for not wait until the heating lamp goes out, but about 15 - 20 seconds before starting to start foaming. So the boiler fueled by sufficient. Then as long as let off steam, to again escape the water and no steam from the lance. All in all I am very happy over the years with the machine and can put them each Espresso entry only to the heart. The only complaint is that the area of the drip tray (not the shell itself, but the track in which it is set) will start to rust after a while. Otherwise, price and performance in the Rancilio Silvia voices, I can recommend the machine fully.

time a short feedback for processing after 8 years of use

Richard Blaine - 07th July 2015

Few details have probably changed, but I recognize the product images still good my machine again. The price has now increased by 20%, which is well within the scope. When I bought my Silvia, I read, easily panicked by the rust problems. Therefore, I look up today scrupulously when inserting the drip tray on absolute dryness on the ground. Whether it is because I do not know any case my device is still untouched by rust. In my boost controller inside is pretty fast what broken, so you can easily pull out. Since I use the Silvia alone, I've never seen the necessity to repair the, as it does not interfere with the operation. About a year ago came off slightly the chromium coating on the (plastic) lining of the brewing unit. If the large-scale and thus is disfiguring, I will probably have to take care of times. That's to abnormalities in this long period. I hope my Silvia remains faithful to me for a long time. And today's buyers I press our fingers crossed that they have as much luck with this great coffee cook like me.

Excellent appareil pour les amateurs

Sebastian Paul (Leipzig) - 07th July 2015

Got my Mlle Silvia matériel usagé de 3 ans pour la moitié du prix acheté ce qui était une bonne affaire en raison de la construction solide. Cela est il ya maintenant un an et demi, et je ne regrette même pas l'achat. Auparavant, une machine à bas prix à partir de AEG pour environ 100 € en usage, parce que le résultat de l'espresso a été frappé ou manquer. Lorsque la manipulation Silvia est vraiment facile après incorporation depuis sort toujours du bon café. La condition préalable est bien sûr un broyeur de haricots décent et bon, mais cela va sans dire. Dans le cercle de famille, il ya un Gaggia Classic Isomac Giada, les deux modèles moins chers, plus petits. Si l'espace est là, vous devriez certainement prendre le Silvia, parce que je suis en mesure d'atteindre le meilleur résultat pour tous les appareils. Le Giada est visuellement similaire, mais plus facile. En outre, le porte-filtre est trop léger et se sent pas cher. Malgré la même usine comme dans mon cas (Graef CM80) je ne reçois pas de retour la même qualité. La Gaggia Classic est le plus petit et le moins cher. Beaucoup de plastique, mais visuellement aussi très jolie. Ce tamis de crème spéciale que je trouve personnellement horrible, mais les débutants obtenir si sûr plus crema dans la tasse. Lorsque je passe entre l'Argentine 3-mélo, ce me semble ici avant la moins professionnelle. Est probablement dû à ce site manque aussi un moulin: D Vous devez certainement un certain temps jusqu'à ce que vous avez les étapes optimisés de sorte que lorsque Silvia donne le résultat souhaité. Lorsque degré de mouture il faut essayer quelque chose - aussi fine que possible, si grossier que nécessaire. La température de l'eau est commandée par un interrupteur à pression, dont les variations de quelques degrés peut se produire. Avec l'aide de surf de la température vous descend une température assez constante: faire topsy tasses et pompé plein d'eau chaude, de sorte qu'ils sont chauds. Au cours de la chaudière chauffe à nouveau. Lorsque la lampe sort, tamiser pure et café rapportent. Je doutais boire un cappuccino, mais si elle est d'être parfois, va bien avec le Silvia, aussi longtemps que il ya seulement 2 tasses. Sinon, je vais prendre un Bodum pour faire mousser. La raison est que cette machine ne comporte qu'un seul circuit de chauffage. Après vapeur référence que vous avez à pomper l'eau, car il est contraire trop chaud pour le café. Qui ont souvent des boissons Cappu devraient certainement obtenir une version 2-circuit, était malheureusement coûte aussi plus. Dans l'ensemble, je pense qu'il est vraiment une grande maniabilité, et pourquoi les 5 étoiles. Je me réjouis à chaque fois que je l'utilise la machine. Je dois plaindre même quoi, mais qui est seulement cosmétique: - isoler l'unité de brassage avec un revêtement plastique de feuille de métal. Pour moi, il ya déjà Souffler, lorsque le moteur est froid. Si tel est chauffée, on ne voit rien. Je lis que le film est déchiré dans d'autres. Le remplacement est sans doute difficile à obtenir. - Bec dans le tiroir égouttoir un peu trop court. At-elle étendu avec un abattage pièce de 20mm du magasin de matériel. On ne voit pas bien, ce qui est en dessous de la grille. - Boîtier peut commencer la rouille, avec moi dans une petite partie de la coque. Pas belle, mais vous ne voyez pas. Mais vous devriez éviter l'humidité (voir point précédent). - Acier devient rapidement empreintes digitales. Donc Torchon pas trop loin pour accrocher. Remarque pour les débutants et paresseux: Bon café ne vient pas seulement comme celle d'un porte-filtre. Qui ne peut pas être pris la peine de le nettoyage et l'optimisation Abrbeitsschritte, devrait probablement être mieux d'acheter un pad ou machine à capsule, ou alternatives d'utilisation tels que Nespresso, le café filtre ou presse française. Je l'utilise souvent l'appareil dans la vie de tous les jours où je anschalte avant le petit déjeuner, puis boire un bon expresso après le dîner. Mais la jouissance de café m'a coûté au total pendant 15 minutes et qui est ce que vous devriez considérer lors de l'investissement.

périphérique Audio

A. Berti "Buchfreundhh" (Segeberg) - 07th July 2015

Avec la bonne usine peut être fait avec cette machine comme un expresso dans un bar italien. Le bruit de l'extraction est pas particulièrement fort, mais un solide, très bon crema est livré avec une utilisation correcte ici. Le problème est le bassin de captage de l'eau, ce qui est clairement trop petit et doit être vidé encore et encore tous les jours, parce que, après quelques tours il espressos débordera. Je l'habitude polonais d'acier au début très and'm supposant que je l'ai donc atteint un degré de protection contre la rouille, la machine est seulement un an avec nous. Ansonten danser nos petites tasses - pas parfaitement, mais est peut-être aussi à la position. L'écran du 1 ne peut pas apporter cette question. Depuis que vous avez à acheter plus, si elle est importante. Les dimensions sont bien connus et utilisés. Globalement, un super machine pour les vrais fans. Qui ne boit pas de café, etc., qui peuvent être satisfaits avec des machines niedrigschwelligeren et heureux.

Espresso y no hay agua de enjuague

4x4 - 07th July 2015

La máquina está sólido procesado, con una luz llena el tanque de agua de fácil acceso y abierta, que puede por lo tanto también se limpia fácilmente.
El Einkreismaschine tiene una caldera de latón, una vez que se ha calentado, la temperatura del agua caliente tiene una duración de una constante de tiempo largo y proporcionando así buenas condiciones para la recepción de espressos calientes.
La calidad portafiltro / Gastro se encuentra con su importante peso bajo control, y es divertido,
táctil y acústica, esto debe ser llenado con café espresso recién molida y se sujeta a la máquina.
se entregarán 1-y 2-Tassensiebeinsätze qué material también tiene buena calidad y durabilidad se puede esperar.
Un Edelstahltamper debe ser comprado por la presión de contacto derecha de la harina de café. Un Gummiblindsieb complemento cumplió su propósito para retrolavado el grupo de café.
La máquina se calienta en aproximadamente 5-7 minutos sobre. Estoy preparando una regla largos negros a, como un sustituto para el café de filtro clásico alemán, el espresso estropeado italianos también les gusta compara con el agua de enjuague.
Por tercera relacionada con el agua (segunda referencia, por lo que también es muy caliente) para una taza de la lanza de vapor y por encima de lo alto, el espresso clásico, entonces usted tiene un café con crema.
El sabor es comparable al utilizar granos de café expreso con Arábica / Robusta mezclar mi opinión sin café de filtro.
La preparación de espuma de leche tiene éxito porque la suficiente presión de la temperatura y el vapor casi sin esfuerzo con la lanza. La limpieza regular para la tapicería, enjuague reactivo a intervalos regulares es parte del mantenimiento de los equipos y para conseguir más de una tendencia similar a la de un ritual que cuida con la unión de la calidad de la máquina como la que lleva a cabo el mal molestos. El "problema de la roya" no me ha impedido de adquirir la máquina; . Seque la bandeja de goteo y el suelo después de la última referencia y así se es necesario, y debe haber manera de hablar de la sensación de un reto positivo en la preparación de Caffè Café / / café con mucha Siebträgermaschine clásica de la práctica y la experiencia, lo cual hace que su sabor mejora notable con el tiempo.

una estrella entre las máquinas de café espresso

Alexander Duero - 07th July 2015

Vale añadido, esta máquina no es para todos los usuarios de lo correcto, pero hacer lo correcto! Qué? Los mejores hombres espresso casera / cappuccino pueden esperar. Lo siguiente debería ser el hombre consciente:. 1 Comprar. 2 Después del parto ir a la ferretería y un trozo de tubo de compra sobre 2cmm a la válvula de desbordamiento de ampliar un poco, la razón es que esto de la casa algo es demasiado corto y hace que el agua en el lado corre hacia abajo (riesgo de óxido) / Ver resultar de imágenes - 1 3. En la misma ferretería para comprar 10 tacos de goma y los pegue a las dos de acero inoxidable cubre apagado (evita la fricción elimina el riesgo de óxido) / Ver resultado Figura 2 y Figura 3 4. pizca un pasador en desuso entre el depósito de desbordamiento y el borde de la carcasa. Un ajuste perfecto (evitando que el agua corre en la carcasa trasera - también elimina el riesgo de óxido) / Ver Figura 3 puntos Okay 1 a 4 están en la DIVA por desgracia un deber! Tomar eso como una afinación pequeña - ¿Es este hecho, el hombre puede comenzar a preparar espresso. Aquí 4 extremidades con el manejo. . 1 Deje que la máquina se caliente unos 10-30 minutos de espera. 2 Temperatura de Surf - Ver las instrucciones de Youtube. 3 grado adecuado de molienda (más bien) - verdadero Tampern. . 4 Cuando se hace con la boquilla de espuma de leche, a continuación, por favor haga funcionar la máquina sin soporte del filtro por unos pocos segundos (con un recipiente debajo de ella) es que el tanque de presión se repone con agua. (Previene grietas en recipientes a presión - reducción de la presión). 2 y 3 de escuchar complicado, pero con el tiempo en un par de segundos qué :-) Qué observas todos los puntos entonces el Ranchillio Diva tu mejor amigo. Tengo mi ya desde hace 3 años en uso y estoy más que feliz. Que se diviertan con ella ....

Zusammen mit einer guten Muhle, alles was Sie brauchen fur einen groben Espresso oder Cappuccino.

A. Thorbjornsen - 07th July 2015

Ich habe eine dieser (ein älteres Modell) für ca. 5 Jahre jetzt gehabt, und es funktioniert perfekt still. Ich mache 2-3 Espressi pro Tag. Ich benutze es mit einem Rancilio Rocky Mühle doserless, und mein Espressi sind genauso gut oder sogar besser als jede Kaffee-Bar. Erfordert ein wenig "Temperatur-Surfen", um das beste Ergebnis zu bekommen. Ich habe ein wenig müde von, dass, so dass ich bestieg ein PID-Kit, das ist leicht getan: weil alle Kabel im Inneren der Maschine sind mit Metallflachstecker, komfortablen, sorgt für einfache Modding (zumindest in meinem alten Modell) verbunden sind. Very Easy, um kleine Mengen von Milch Dampf (für ein oder zwei zubereitetem Cappuccino) und erhalten perfekte Mikroschaum was schön latte-Kunst macht. Größere Mengen Milch sind machbar, aber dauert ein wenig Zeit. Um leistungsfähige Dampf zu bekommen, warten Sie auf das Licht zu gehen (lassen Sie etwas Kondenswasser und Dampf Wenn es aber wieder ziehen Sie den Knopf), und wieder ein, dann ist für den leichten Zischen (Sieden) Lärm im Inneren der Maschine zu hören, und starten Sie den dampfenden, bevor das Licht geht wieder aus. Dieses Verfahren ist nicht für kleine Mengen von Milch benötigt werden. Ein perfekter Ausgangspunkt für den ernsthaften Home Barista! Noch ein Tipp: Holen Sie sich Ihre Bohnen in einem Laden, wo sie Ihnen sagen, das Rösten Datum, und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Bohnen etwa eine Woche, nachdem sie (seit ein paar Tagen Sie müssen Gas freizusetzen) geröstet starten. Wenn Sie frisch gerösteten Bohnen einmal versuchen, es gibt keinen Weg zurück :-)

Price Leistungsverhältniss decisive

Frank Morguet - 07th July 2015

After 12 years with a La Pavoni Espresso Lusso I wanted a new machine. It should again be a Einkreismaschine but who has the technique of a catering machine. After careful research on the net I decided to buy the Rancilio as these from the price - is really second to none performance ratio and have been buying up to now not yet repented. Have the machine now for about 4 months in operation and am very happy with it. There is plenty of advice with which you really do not get that often criticized residual water via the solenoid valve in the drip pan and the housing on the net. If you heed this advice and the machine after use neat dries I think is also holds the rust problem in check. I can detect no signs of rust in my machine. All in all you get here robust technology (catering grade) which has proven itself for years for a small price.

A solid machine

RH - 07th July 2015

Already the second Rancilio in use.
Bin happy with it. Pros: The materials seem high quality and solid processed This is particularly true for housing and filter holder, etc. I particularly like that all parts can be replaced, if I am not mistaken there , You can buy more all relatively inexpensive on the internet and the technology was supposedly easy to repair itself ... that's what I like but my partner left;)) The coffee is delicious (if the variety fits naturally). A little bit of a nuisance is a long warm-up time. The leaves, however, by a "no-respect" shortened as a result. minor drawbacks: and to get the perfect foam, manual work is just asking. That's just in a fully automatic machine more comfortable and usually (in my not always the same foam quality) more secure. (But others are because perhaps more skillful than I -. me as my mediocre quality but also from) If there is a lot of visitors, it can sometimes take a long time and really I tend then to brew coffee (as in days gone by) takes Otherwise Aufzeitzeit too long. For 2 people it's totally okay with 3 people it goes. (drinking but from really large cups) The filter holder with the little use for espresso is not ideal - especially since you can let out only 2 cups (my espresso cups do not fit (to small) under the filter holder with 2 outlets. So I had to buy more to me a separate filter holder with 1 outlet. (But there are good accessories nachzukaufen) the supplied Stamper I find not so great. So also here a reasonable the same system sold. The water tank could bissel be greater, but is also a serious problem. CONCLUSION: think my purchase for me was the right decision. However, when I consider that I have paid for the necessary coffee grinder almost again the same price, I would have a very good can have fully automatic. BUT ... I would probably decide that again. Because - I can replace or repair the items for defects. - I can assemble the components yourself. - the coffee / espresso tastes.


Thomas - 07th July 2015

Ich stimme der detaillierten Überprüfung von Hurz in Anspruch, sondern muss wieder auf den Rost Problem Punkt. Meine Maschine durch Wasser / Wasser-Niederschlag auf der untersten Modul verrostet, so dass diese musste nach 1,5 Jahren überholt werden. Für Rancilio ist dies kein Konstruktionsfehler und nicht durch die Garantie abgedeckt. Also immer schön trocken wischen! Ärgerlich!

Coffee tastes, but a care Tamagotchi

Stefan Endres "iStefan" - 07th July 2015

The coffee tastes, the machine is also easy to use. Something getting used to is the high cleaning requirements of the machine. I had imagined a little easier. The staff are well trained and patient.


Eva - 07th July 2015

Estamos muy satisfechos con la máquina. los gustos de café muy bueno y también la operación y mantenimiento de la máquina son fáciles de tratar.

Saeco cafetera, fácil de usar

Helga Marcos Mann - 07th July 2015

La pantalla es muy clara, sólo estoy un poco decepcionado porque la crema era mejor con mi vieja Saeco. De lo contrario, no hay quejas.

Good device

Samis obedience school "dog trainer" (Braunschweig Wolfenbuttel) - 07th July 2015

For households, this device is really ideal. The coffee tastes great and also the cleaning of the individual components is easy.
Let me clear up terms, I can say that the foam is really fixed only.

after some adjustments to the settings and brand of coffee beans it just works like a dream

oakey - 07th July 2015

Had mine for a month now, after some adjustments to the settings and brand of coffee beans it just works like a dream now

Cliente satisfecho (hasta ahora)

mike guirnalda - 07th July 2015

Me gusta, especialmente por el precio. He tenido algunos problemas, pero creo que es un error del operador. Sólo hemos tenido durante un tiempo, pero si se sostiene, voy a estar feliz.

Super coffee machine

Anna Worle - 07th July 2015

We have given away the machine and they came super and makes brilliant coffee. Definitely recommendable:
Easy operation and good introduction.

Good product !

George Silvan - 13th March 2014

Just received the miss Silvia ! It's very simple to use and the coffee taste fantastic!

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Happy to announce here at Italiankitchenaids to be one of the first Distributors to offer the last jewel from Rancilio: the New Rancilio Silvia V5 E 2016 !!!
The new Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020, now consumes less than 0.5 Wh (watt-hour) in standby mode. It shuts off automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity, as stipulated by the Ecodesign regulatory norms. Rancilio LAB research and development department has gone even further than this. For us, innovation means operating for a sustainable future. For this reason, Rancilio Silvia E 2016 is equipped with a special boiler wrapped in a foam thermal insulator with a high rate of heat and noise absorption. A feature that enables a significant reduction of energy consumption when the machine is on. In addition, the internal parts of the Rancilio Silvia E 2016 in contact with water do not release toxic substances and do not compromise the quality of the beverage in the cup. The aim is to maintain great reliability and thermal stability.
The New Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020. handle, is designed ergonomically to make using it easy. Other features of this coffee machine include a cup warmer and a multi-directional wand for steam that makes frothing easier. It also has an innovative grinder and a water reservoir. Its base is made in stainless steel making it an ideal machine for use in the kitchen. In addition, this coffee machine comes with a safety feature: the boiler has now a thermostat that turns the boiler off in case of a mal function.
This coffee making machine is made with a contemporary setting in mind. Its looks and features are designed in a way that makes it a perfect product for a modern set up. Operational features of New Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 make using it easy and quick in making coffee.  The New Rancilio Silvia  V6 E 2020. espresso machine is in a class all by itself.  Whilst most manufacturers have a range of domestic and commercial machines, Rancilio is primarily a commercial coffee machine manufacturer.  Rancilio only make one domestic coffee machine; the Silvia.  All the expertise of building high quality commercial coffee machines has been compressed and built into a machine for the home that has a reputation for solid performance and reliability.
The machine is now In full conformity with the European EuP directive, they now redesigned the button to power up the machine that is not longer with the on / off toggle, like in the previous model, now it returns to its original position when pressed. 
The New Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020.  brews coffee the same way a commercial machine does.  The new Silvia Mod. E even has a commercial size, 58mm, portafilter.  The large size of the filter holder ensures the water is distributed evenly through the coffee.  This is part of the reason why the Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020. now is able to produce such good coffee.
The group head and filter holder are made cast brass and are chrome plated.  Cast brass is the best way to keep the temperature stable during the brewing cycle because it retains heat, By using cast brass, as is used in commercial machines, the New Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 produces shots that rival your best café coffees.
The portafilter comes with a commercial, ergonomically designed handle, as standard equipment. Some other features of the Silvia include a built in cup warmer, hot water dispensing for hot chocolates, tea, and long espresso drinks.
Below all the the accessories you will receive with this amazing New Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 EDITION:
The set includes one original Rancilio filterholder, two filter baskets: one for 7 gr and one for 14 gr. You will receive also a free measuring spoon, and a tamper.
A newly designed multi directional steam wand makes milk frothing even easier, as you can use a variety of size and shape jugs. The Silvia has a large water reservoir which is filled from the top of the machine so this can be done easily at any time for continual production of great shots. A good grinder is as important as a good coffee machine and this factor is often overlooked.   Also, don’t overlook a good tamper! There are also some safety features that are worth take into consideration.  
To our surprise, the New Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 EDITION has upgrades from the previous model that make this machine even more desirable!  It has a large brass boiler that allows for ample steam product, a solid brass 58mm group head for superior heat stability and an iron frame with stainless steel casing for long lasting durability.  
There is a thermostat for the boiler, another for the steam production, and a third thermostat that turns off the power to the boiler if there has been a mal function.  This third thermostat can be reset anytime as it is really a circuit breaker style switch.  It is located inside the machine so be prepared to remove some screws.  Also, the Silvia has a 3 way solenoid valve that releases pressure within the machine once the brew switch is switched off.  This helps prevent scalding and dripping as well as letting the coffee puck remain drier for easier knocking out. Caffè Italia sells more coffee machines than most retailers throughout the world.  
This gives us a great advantage when it comes to comparing machines.  If there is a problem model we soon learn about it.  Likewise, an outstanding machine also becomes known to us very quickly. The New Rancilio Silvia V6 E 2020 is a machine we love to sell because it is beautifully made, solid and reliable, and with a good grinder, beans and practice, will give our customers coffee that is truly enjoyable and without compromise.



Dimensions:L 290mm P 235mm H 340mm
Power: 230V 50/60Hz 1100W
Water tank: 2,5 liters
Weight: 14 Kg
1-cup filter
2-cup filter
Measuring scoop and coffee-tamper

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