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Gaggia Accademia 2016 Reviews for the product - Gaggia Accademia 2016 (Back to product)
30 Product Reviews - Average rating 4.9 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)

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Excellent machine

A. Aleid "mrnet_01" - 14th May 2015

I have seen and red the previous reviews and all of them were negative. Then I went to Coffeeitalia.co.uk (American) and it was a mixed bag.
I decided to give it try because it is as good as the Saeco xelsis but at a much cheaper price and If I do not like it I will returne.
And I am glad I did choose it because it makes on of the best coffee ever.
And it is hot not cold as some people said
I really like this machine

Very pleased with this machine and the coffee it makes

Suji "Suji" - 14th May 2015

We finally settled on this machine because, although it is automatic, it can be programmed to suit your taste - stronger coffee, longer brewing, hotter water etc. We use good Arabica coffee beans and generally make cappuccino or espresso - both excellent every time. The milk dispenser is a useful feature, although for large quantities of milk (latte machiato or just milk on its own) it needs to be whizzed up to a higher temperature with the steam wand - not difficult. The machine communicates well via the screen when it wants to be emptied or filled. The only slight criticism is the size of the water tank. The water is used not only for making coffee but also to clean the machine automatically, so it needs refilling fairly often. Everything has always worked perfectly and we're very pleased with this purchase.

Nearly perfect

Phil C - 14th May 2015

This is a top of the range machine in terms of cost and its four star rating reflects that. Overall, it's terrific with more adjustments to coffee taste than you'll ever need. You can also adjust the temperature of the coffee (but not the milk) and on its highest setting, it's scalding. Given some of the comments on the heat of the end product in other reviews, I set up the machine to give maximum temperature and got a burnt tongue for my pains!

Set up is menu driven and very easy. For each type of coffee, the amount of coffee, the strength of brew, the amount of both water and milk and the length of prebrewing are all adjustable, so it's possible to fine tune the coffee to your own taste.

For cappuccino and latte macchiato (which is what we usually call cafe latte), the milk carafe can be connected. This offers a thick foam in seconds, making a delicious drink - and it automatically cleans the pipes afterwards. When finished, just disconnect the milk carafe and put it in the fridge until next time, as long as you wash it out every couple of days or so.

The coffee is hot enough to carry off the milk and still provide a hot drink. As I said above, I didn't need to use the max coffee temperature setting to get a decent drink - and I can't abide lukewarm coffee. However if using the latte setting, which just provides frothed milk, the end product could not be described as hot by any stretch of the imagination. If making hot chocolate for example, you'd need to use the steam wand to to heat it to an acceptable temperature. It's this that moves it from a five star to a four star rating.

The only other niggle is that the water tank could be bigger but it's not a reason not to purchase.

Overall, it makes great coffee, which is the reason for buying it in the first place!

By the way, when I bought mine (Sept 2012), it was just under £1000 but the best Coffeeitalia price was £1284, so shop around.

but given the abuse it gets that is pretty good given it is not intended for industrial use

B. Facey "Vicious Hippo" - 14th May 2015

We have used this machine in a 30 person office for three years. It has broken down twice, but given the abuse it gets that is pretty good given it is not intended for industrial use. Some of the parts are not capable of withstanding heavy handed in the office environment. Would I buy it again? Well I think it probably needs to be replaced soon, and I wouldn't hestitate buying another one.

Gaggia Accademia

UW (Grafenau) - 14th May 2015

I have today received the second machine of this type. The first I had to send back. Always was only the errors "Bleed machine" of. After the service number at Phillips I (responsible for Germany Gaggia) contacted and all troubleshooting failed today I received a new machine from Coffeeitalia. This was relatively straightforward. However, because of the high price I had a few more days to wait for the replacement. (?)
Now that I turned this spare machine I could not believe my eyes. She had the same mistake as the first! Constantly error "E5 Bleed machine". However, I was not so fast this time and was able to fix the problem yourself. That's why I describe the problem here in the Rezesion and hope others can help with this solution.
So you take a Plastikstrohalm or a thin tube, switch off the machine, remove the water tank, hose to the suction port (small hole where usually the water from the tank runs in the machine) and press a few times vigorously suck it by mouth. Sounds indeed daft, but help! Possibly repeat often and behold. Machine is vented and works just fine.
The processing seems to be very much. Sturdy hinges, a lot of metal, so a little heavier than the other. (Previously had two Saeco). The quantities of coffee and water volumes are easily easy to change. Great thing, the programmable switch. But how long the milk jug is working still questionable. You have to push or pull, which is not very gentle on materials with a powerful jolt this already. The quality of the coffee is really good. You can also adjust the temperature from normal to hot. The brew group seems to come from the house of Saeco-Phillips. However, these are of very good quality and never made ​​in my previous machine problems.
So far I'm topzufrieden so, except for the error I had but corrected himself and hope it stays that way. Today a small addendum: Unfortunately, the holder, in which the milk jug locks already been adopted, which is a real weak point of the machine and I'll try to reclaim. Report follows. In addition, the drain cycle for the drip tray and the grounds container is really tearing the hair. Now we are only two coffee drinkers in the family, but I manage to barely once the machine without emptying the container to be able to draw out another cup. I would now give the machine only four star if the service still works ... I will report.


Wengert - 14th May 2015

3 best coffee machine I tested, Jura Impressa J9 TFT, Melitta Caffeo CI, Gaggia ACCADEMIA.
The best is Gaggia Accademia very complete ease of use, and the cleaning very easy for me, this machine is like a Rolls Royce with 17kg is the fully automatic on hard real well on expensive but it much better than any other coffee machine in every area.

Just great

Books rat "detlevlefty" (Bremen) - 14th May 2015

For results-oriented coffee lovers! The taste is just perfect (coffee quality) All Geschmacksrichtugen are just delicious!
One machine for all who want the visit to stay longer. Okay, the cleaning, but that you have with other manufacturers as well. Highly recommend to others . Gruss Detlevlefty

A good little workhorse

Rexford - 14th May 2015

There's quite a few one star reviews of this machine, but they seem to relate to being not working right out of the box. There is some work to be done to get the machine set up for the first time, but once you've done that, this machine seems to be unstoppable.
We've used it to serve way more coffees than it is classed for--we've done about 10,000 coffees (split amongst the various types) in the 6 months we've had this machine. I've posted a picture of the cycle counters in the user images.

It has only error'ed on us once: a "water priming circuit" failure message. This was a completely blocked boiler problem that was not prevented by using the descaling cycle regularly with the gaggia descaler; we've switched to a third-party descaler and all seems well again. Working on this machine was a dream--it is very easy to disassemble, and all parts are labelled well, including voltages.

My only complaint is that the drip tray fills up rapidly, so you end up emptying it very often. Otherwise, a good little workhorse.


Joondaloop - 14th May 2015

Absolutely amazing coffee machine.

Bought it yesterday and it's so easy to set up and use. So far, the coffee is perfect.
If you want to change the temperature, strength, quantity etc, it can be done at the press of a button.

Don't let the negative reviews put you off


Jack Eyley - 14th May 2015

I was very sceptical before purchasing this product due to the reviews listed on the Coffeeitalia UK websites, but i am pleased to say after receiving and testing the product it certainly did not disappoint! Its certainly an improvement from my old gaggia cubica manual espresso machine.

Firstly the reviews mention the water tank not being very big, this isn't wrong but do you really want gallons of water sitting in the machine for long periods of time doing nothing other than going stale? fresher water is better coffee.

Secondly people say the machine makes you constantly empty the drip trays and internal coffee dump box, i have to say that its not as constant as people mention in some reviews but in a sense i think this is good because it means dirty water and used coffee isn't sitting inside of the machine for a long time causing bad smells and hygiene issues.

Thirdly people mention that the machine does not create a very hot drink. This is also untrue depending wether you like your mouth scalded when drinking a coffee. The milk drinks aren't scalding but are hot enough to drink straight off the book the coffee beverages are nearly so hot you cant drink them buts thats my opinion.


1) let the machine do its full warm up and rinse cycle.
2) PRE HEAT YOUR CUP (hot milk into a cold cup means cold drink!!)
2a) THE HOT WATER IS PROGRAMMABLE BY VOLUME (so set it to put out just enough to half fill your favourite mug to give it a bit of initial heat before the drink despenses)
3) Go into the beverage settings for each drink and set the coffee temperature to "MAX" this will add temperature to the milk.

OVERALL the machine does what it says on the tin, cleans and looks after itself with minimum input from the user besides adding water and beans occasionally and emptying the drip trays and internal coffee dump bin when prompted. im glad i ignored some of the reviews and brought this product its definitely worth the money! cannot fault it.

P.S It looks gorgeous on my kitchen counter!!

Espresso Coffee Machine

Iain Mair - 14th May 2015

Excellent item, came on time and has been used now for some time. The machine was meant for use in the house but was too large so we use it in our office kitchen.

Beautiful to behold and simple to use - perfect coffee.

Methane Boy - 14th May 2015

I have to disagree with all the reviewers who went before - this machine is almost perfect for the coffee loving home.

Delivery was about 20 hours after ordering, set up took about 30 minutes and the machine delivered the first of many coffees with the minimum of fuss. It's so easy to use even my 2 year old was showing an unhealthy interest.

For us this was a replacement for a 6 year old Gaggia Titanium Plus which had been around the block a few times. The bean hopper capacity is great, but the water tank a little lacking, however it is really easy to top up. The milk carafe is a little stiff, but I'm sure that will change with time. Auto cleaning is just wonderful. So much thought has gone into the dessign that all the little niggles of other machines have been designed out of this one.

The only changes I would make would be more water capacity and to chill the milk carafe.

Buy this machine with confidence!

Coffee House

piewaket - 14th May 2015

I've had this machine for 7 months and it makes a consistent mug of coffee/Latte/Cappuccino time after time. Before buying I read all the reviews and the biggest complaint was the temperature of the coffee. This is not instant coffee where you use boiling water from the kettle but the real McCoy and the solution is so simple. I purchased tall glass Latte mugs and before making the coffee I boil a kettle and fill the mugs with hot water and let them stand for a while, result hot coffee or you can use the steam wand. The only slight downside is the internal drip tray, after two mugs it needs emptying, maybe this is something Gaggia could address in designing future machines. One thing more that impressed me was the build, the machine is so robust. All in all a professional looking and consistent machine

I love it.

elvira drljevic - 14th May 2015

I love this machine! The performance is as good as you can get, while enjoying comfort of your home, very easy to use, easy to clean and takes no time in the morning to make your favorite beverage!

Exceptional performance and great coffee

Kid_Again - 14th May 2015

I'll update this review when once we become more familiar with the product. In essence, we set up the machine (actually my son and wife did, I supervised) and followed the instructions. Following the instructions is rare enough in my household but it paid off well.

The first cup of espresso was a bit weak. A few adjustments later and we were enjoying cappuchino as good as any we have enjoyed anywhere. And the machine just keeps cranking out consistent coffee time after time. It's also obvious that this machine, just like any other water boiler, will require careful maintenance. Not a problem.

The last place I worked had a Pavoni in the cafeteria. It must have cost a FORTUNE and I could never get a good cup of coffee from it.

So in the first few weeks, a very good experience.

One thing to keep in mind is the product packaging. We received ours packed in a number of nested boxes. So that made a lot of trash BUT when we got to the hard styrofoam innermost packing, one edge of the styrofoam had been crushed. While I don't remember seeing a dented exterior corner, the packing is certainly helpful since the machine IS big AND heavy.

It's now almost 2015 and this machine makes consistently excellent coffee under sometimes very heavy use. Every now and then it makes some noise cleaning itself, which reminds me it's time for another latte machiatto. I had no frikkin idea what that was until I got this machine. We remain very happy with this coffee maker.

Amazing Machine

SF foodie - 14th May 2015

After experiencing what real espresso is, on a vacation in Italy. I started looking for an espresso machine because I wanted that real espresso experience daily.
After about a week of research, I settled on getting a Gaggia Accademia. Although this machine was originally introduced in 2010, and newer super-automatic espresso machines had been introduced into market, I'm really glad that I chose this machine. It is built well, and it creates excellent consistent shots.

And since I started roasting my own coffee beans, I am truly in espresso heaven with this machine's espression of really fresh beans.

My interest in espresso had also lead me to purchasing a lever machine. With the lever machine I can enjoy the full analog goodness that makes espresso that wonderful art form that it can be. And, when I just want a great shot, I am always impressed by the Gaggia Accademia's performance.

Gaggia Accademia Worth the $$$

K. Muller - 14th May 2015

I previously owned 2 Capresso super-automatics in the past, while they are good machines, I like this one better. I like that I can steam the milk myself or just press a button and it's fully automatic. Oh and the crema coffee is excellent once I made the proper adjustment to the grind. The only thing I would change if I could, is the clean water capacity and the capacity for the spent/dirty water tray, they both need to be much larger. I also like the fact you can remove and clean the grinder mechanism. If you have an older house with low cabinets *measure* it JUST fit. I have it for a couple of months and I'm very happy with it.

Great Coffee Machine

Bernard - 14th May 2015

As in other comments, the milk could be hotter and the inner drip tray could have been larger but other than that - an excellent coffee machine.

After each use of the auto milk forthing, the machine runs steam, to clean it (not the milk container clean cycle) and it steam up the all area - I would combine that cleaning action with the container clean cycle, aside of the milk temp and the size of the inner drip tray.


Very good purchase. Well worth it

Ryan Caruso - 14th May 2015

Brews as expected. Very good purchase. Well worth it!

Have it finally!

Megan Chen - 14th May 2015

It was a best Cyber Monday purchase for this Christmas. Elegant outlook, simple to use, tasty coffee. Evrything is perfect so far.Good price of course!


Joan - 14th May 2015

I was was so impressed I bought 3! Wonderful machine. This is worth every penny. Stop going to Starbucks. I am placing another order. I cannot imagine being without this machine.

I love it! Wonderful coffee in only one

Victoria Querejeta - 14th May 2015

I love it!
Wonderful coffee in only one touch

Good appliance

loving my coffee - 14th May 2015

Just bought this and really enjoy it. Very easy to use and maintain and whats cool is that the milk runs seperately through the machine so it has a self cleaner so you dont have to mess with it. Looks good as well.

We bought the Gaggia Academia and we are very pleased. It is the best looking machine

John Kostopoulos "JohnK" - 14th May 2015

I am very familiar with Gaggia. We had the Gaggia Platinum Vision. After 3,800 coffees, the Platinum vision was sent for service and made another 7,000 coffees before I gave it to a friend. We bought the Gaggia Academia and we are very pleased.
It is the best looking machine.
It makes excellent drinks.
To those who complain about "too much plastic": the machine is heavy as it is (42 pounds). I wouldn't want more metal.
To those who complain about small water tank, etc: again: the machine is heavy as it is (42 pounds).
To those who complain about service: I had called Gaggia in a couple of occasions and they were very helpful.
In summary, this machine is amazing and will look beautiful on your kitchen counter.

Expensive but worth every penny.

norwestie - 14th May 2015

I bought this unit to replace my trusty Jura Capresso F9. The Gaggia feels so much more substantial, not to mention it weighs a bit more, as well. This is the first double boiler super-automatic I've owned and I have to say it works beautifully. For me, the perfect big cup of coffee is brewed by selecting caffe lungo, then adding hot water. Basically an Americano. The crema is perfect and I have not found any bitterness or harshness that the Jura occasionally produced. I love the milk steaming system. So simple and convenient.
My only complaints (very minor ones) are the water container and drip trays are quite small. The need to refill water and empty trays are more frequent than my old machine.

very simple to use and its truly super automatic

Rich P. - 14th May 2015

Very pleased with the super automatic feature of just press the button. The instructions are not the greatest but once you go step by step and keep trying then its a breeze. Only problem is the milk container does not always lock in place--just push it in and you will get the knack of it. There are many adjustments that allows you to preset the defaults for each type of coffee (button for each) that must be individually set up--its not that clear in instructions--just remember each button must be set for coffee strength, etc.

Great Buy

Many - 14th May 2015

This coffee maker is worth every penny. Oh yes, the initial purchase hurts a lot but within a year it is paid off just by not buying one cup of coffee daily. The coffee taste great, doesn't matter which one one chooses, it is easy to handle and to understand. For all the coffee lovers out there, please consider this one.

Worth it.

Danielle J. Stook "Danielle" - 14th May 2015

I waited for 3 months to write this review. I love the Accademia. It takes some work in regards to cleaning and maintenance, but it's worth it. The coffee is fantastic. This was an upgrade for me from a nespresso, Breville u brew, and gaggia classic. It's an awesome machine. We do about 4 cups/day.

great cappuccino and easy to clean

occasional critic "Dr K" - 14th May 2015

This is my second super automatic - my first was a Jura Capresso. I was very skeptical of the ability of the Gaggia Accademia to make proper frothed milk for a cappuccino, but it makes wonderful froth and is super easy. I insert the milk container, put my cup under the spout, and press a button!
Previously, I would manually froth milk, and this took time and my success varied somewhat from day to day.
The adjustments for each type of coffee are simple and the strength, amount of milk, and temperature can be easily controlled.
This has made my mornings easy and I can depend on a great cappuccino (with a double espresso) to start my day right.
I cannot comment on the milk temperature which I suspect is more of a factor for lattes than for cappuccino - all I can say is I am happy.
The weekly cleaning is also quick and very simple.

I love this coffee machine it's my BFF

Berto Castellanos - 14th May 2015

I love this coffee machine it's my BFF. It's easy to use and program . My morning with my coffee has gone to a new level.

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Gaggia Accademia Espresso Machine

Coffee on demand has never been easier. With the Gaggia Accademia, seven dedicated drink buttons for espresso, caffe, caffe lungo, cappuccino, latte macchiato, and hot water mean that great tasting beverages are just moments away. The machine can also memorize your preferences for truly customized drinks.

This one-stop coffee center features an integrated ceramic burr grinder to deliver freshly ground coffee every time. The Accademia also comes equipped with a bypass doser, so you’ll be able to effortlessly brew pre-ground or brew decaf, pre-ground, or specialty coffee. The grinder and bypass doser combo will give you the flexibility needed to accommodate multiple users and a variety of drink preferences.

The smartly designed Accademia is a latte and cappuccino drinker’s dream, as it features a unique Milk Management System with a detachable carafe. Since the milk circuit is detachable, milk never actually enters the Accademia during the steaming/frothing process. You’ll never have to worry about old milk contaminating your machine. As a matter of convenience, the milk carafe can be disconnected and stored in the fridge until you’re ready to brew.

For those who love to entertain, the Gaggia Accademia’s intuitive interface offers a big advantage; it’s so simple to use your guests can make their own beverages! On top of its impressive features, the Gaggia Accademia is a modern, attractive machine that would look great in any kitchen. It features a contemporary stainless steel front panel punctuated by a bright display and intuitive push-button controls. The Gaggia Accademia is the ideal companion for the busy coffee lover.

Technical information:
Power supply 230V 60Hz W1500
Stand by energy consumption < 1W
Energy label A
Boiler 2 indipendent S/S boilers
Water pump pressure 15 bar
Brewing group Removable
Removable water tank capacity 1,6 L
Coffee beans container capacity 350 g
Removable coffee grounds container capacity 16
Interface Display TFT in colour, multi-beverage control panel
Ceramic coffee grinder
Grind regulator 8 selections
Gaggia Adapting System
Grams of coffee per cup 7-10,5 g
Pre-ground coffee option
Espresso Plus System
Rapid Steam
Coffee delivery 1 or 2 simultaneously
Hot water and steam output
Auto-cappuccino system
Capacity external milk carafe integrated in the machine design 0,6 l
Milk quantity and frothing setting Programmable
Coffee temperature and quantity Programmable
Adjustable dispensing head
Active cup warming plate Stainless Steel
Size cm. (LxHxD) 28,2 x 38,5 x 42,8
Frontal panel finish Stainless steel, finger print proof
Bodywork Painted metal/ S/S
Water Filter
Coffee, milk and cappuccinatore circuit cleaning Automatic
Descaling cycle Automatic

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