KRYO 65 OD (On Demand) is fitted with high-capacity 64 mm-diameter mills, ensuring production of 3.5 g/second. Grinding is instant, and takes place directly in the filter holder, ensuring a fresh, correctly dosed product. The ergonomic design and quality of the material provide excellent stability even in situations of intense use. Grinding speed, precise dosing, and a clear, intuitive user interface make KRYO 65 OD the ideal grinder-doser for high-quality espresso-based beverages.
Fitted with high-capacity 64 mm diameter burrs, KRYO 65 OD ensures that the barista has the right dose of ground coffee instantly, for a quality espresso in less than 2 seconds.
start dose: by start button on keypad or by inserting filter holder
programmable doses: single, double, custom
ergonomic, multifunctional user interface
fins: in die-cast aluminium
burrs: high capacity ThermoSteel treated stainless steel
continuous micrometric adjustment with anti-accidental rotation lock
hoppers: food-grade polycarbonate
hands-free height-adjustable fork
stainless steel, die-cast aluminium, ABS and polyamide
anthracite grey