*Tax Free is applied automatically on your order if you are VAT registered or in case your purchase is shipped outside Europe

You can see a product's online availability in several places:

1.Product list page

2.Product description page

3.Your cart

Is the selection the same online and in-store?

Product selection on ItalianKitchenAids.com may vary from our stores. There may be limited quantities or we may be testing certain items in select markets. Also, we can offer a broader selection online because we ship these items directly from our distribution centers.

What if an item I ordered is on backorder?

If an item you've ordered is on backorder, we'll send you an e-mail to let you know the estimated arrival time. You can choose to wait for the item or cancel it.

Backorders remain active for 14 days on most products. If after 14 days the item is still on backorder, we will automatically cancel the item.

We will not charge your credit card until the item is shipped. If you used PayPal, your PayPal account was charged at the time you placed the order.

Backorders benefit from our Low Price Guarantee. If the price drops at the time of shipment, you will automatically get the lower price.

Payment Methods

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